MAISEH. A series of site-specific art projects
26.06.2022 - 11:00 / Kazimierz / various locationsArtists: Wojtek Blecharz, Hadassa Goldvicht, Cecylia Malik, Stefanie Oberhoff, Christoph Rothmeier, Kobi Vogman, Yuval Yairi
Curators: Curatorial Collective for Public Art (Berlin): Yael Sherill, Lianne Mol, Julia Kawka; HaMiffal (Jerusalem): Meydad Eliyahu; Jewish Culture Festival (Kraków): Paweł Kowalewski
When it is hard to find the words, we tell stories.
In “Maiseh”, which is the Yiddish word for tale (מייסע), seven legends are passed on in the public space. These tales are vehicles to grapple with loss, misfortune, betrayal and broken hearts. They arm us with humor, hope, courage and love. They bring us together.
Between June 25th and July 3rd, artists from Israel, Germany and Poland tell their version of legends from Krakow – in performances, drawings, murals, sound installations, workshops, and letters. Listen to these stories as they unfold in the streets of Kazimierz.
Cecylia Malik: High Waters >>>
patrticipatory installation and performance
Christoph Rothmeier: Have You Seen My Eyes? >>>
sound installation
Wojtek Blecharz: An Endless Dance >>>
sound installation
Stefanie Oberhoff & Snuff Puppets: Pigeon Girls >>>
puppet workshop & participatory street performance
Yuval Yairi: Observation Point >>>
installation, drawing
Kobi Vogman: Touch-move Rule >>>
participatory mural – collage created with the audience
Hadassa Goldvicht: Things to Buy in Kazimierz >>>
letters online
In times of political upheaval, emotional hardship or social isolation, stories arm us with humor, hope, courage and love. They are vehicles to grapple with the unspeakable: loss, misfortune, betrayal and broken hearts. They bring us together.
The act of passing on stories creates continuity between generations, communities and genealogies. That is what the spiral stands for. In “Maiseh”, we are telling you our version of these legends, and invite you to share your tales with us – an exchange of stories that need to be heard.
Which legend do you think needs to be told right now?
Share the story with us righ here
This project is co-financed by the Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation and the Goethe Institute Krakow
Maiseh was created especially for the 31st Jewish Culture Festival in Krakow
Curatorial team: Yael Sherill, Lianne Mol & Julia Kawka – Curatorial Collective for Public Art / Berlin, Meydad Eliyahu – HaMiffal / Jerusalem, Paweł Kowalewski – Jewish Culture Festival / Kraków