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“March Almonds”

29.06.2022 - 18:00 / High Synagogue, ul. Józefa 38, Kraków (basement hall)

“March Almonds”, dir. Radosław Piwowarski, Poland 1989 – PL, subtitles: EN
Introduction: Dr. Joanna Preizner
This screening is part of the series “(In)separable. Difficult Subjects in Polish-Jewish Relations”.

Spring 1968, a small town somewhere in Lower Silesia. High school graduates from the local high school organize parties, fall in love, play hookey, cheat on tests, and – in spite of the grayness and absurdities of the Polish People’s Republic – are happy, young and full of life. Suddenly, their existence is brutally shattered by the events of March 1968, which forces them to take a side on the political dispute, destroying friendships and resulting in difficult goodbyes.

Partners: Institute of Jewish Studies at Jagiellonian University, Warsaw Jewish Film Festival, Camera of David Foundation, New Eastern Europe

“The Space of an Image: A Series of Films on Jewish Topics”
Partner: Warsaw Jewish Film Festival, Camera of David Foundation