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Preserving Memory (PL/EN)

26.06.2022 - 12:00 / Galicia Jewish Museum, ul. Dajwór 18 | Live: Galicia Jewish Museum Facebook fanpage

The Jubilee 25th “Preserving Memory” Ceremony- honoring the Poles, who have helped rescuing Jewish heritage

This year, “Preserving Memory”, the ceremony of honoring Poles preserving Jewish heritage in Poland, will take place for the 25th year. Since the establishment of this unique award on the initiative of Michael H. Traison in 1998, a few hundred non-Jewish Poles have been recognized for their work to preserve Jewish memory in Poland. This is an effort to recognize the selfless work of dedicated people who often work alone, on their own initiative, to ensure that Poland’s Jewish heritage will be remembered. Their heroic stories are a testament to their selfless devotion.

Organized by: Galicia Jewish Museum, Taube Center for Jewish Life & Learning, Jewish Heritage Europe
Partner: Foundation for the Preservation of Jewish Heritage in Poland

Free admission