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Zog nisht keynmol: Tales of Resistance (EN/PL)

01.07.2022 - 14:00 / Festival Tent, ul. Józefa 36 | Live:

Acclaimed Australian-Jewish writer storyteller, Arnold Zable, draws on his novels, memoirs, stories, and on his travels, to weave tales that resonate with these challenging times of brutal invasion, mass displacement, and resistance. His stories voyage across many boundaries and honour many episodes of cultural and physical resistance — of Yiddish theatre, cabaret, and literary works, which were written and performed in the darkest of times, and of personal encounters with resistance fighters. At the root of Zable’s journey, is his Australian-Jewish childhood — a mother who once performed Yiddish songs, and a father, who wrote and performed Yiddish poetry in pre-war Bialystok — their rich and magical Yiddish heritage, passionate love of Yiddish language, and the ghosts and shadows that haunted them at the loss of their families.

Arnold Zable
Brief Bio

Arnold Zable is an acclaimed Australian-Jewish writer, novelist, storyteller, passionate traveller, and human rights activist. His books include Café Scheherazade, Scraps of Heaven, Sea of Many Returns, The Fig Tree, Violin Lessons, The Fighter, and The Watermill. His ground-breaking memoir, Jewels and Ashes, records his 1986 pilgrimage to Poland in search of the missing link in his ancestral chain. His stories, essays, reflections, and columns have appeared in a range of literary journals, newspapers, and anthologies. He has written works for Yiddish theatre, and Yiddish cabaret, and has performed widely as a storyteller. He has a doctorate from the School of Creative Arts, Melbourne University, and has lectured on the art of story throughout Australia and internationally. His awards include the 2013 Voltaire Prize for human rights advocacy, the Australia Council Fellowship for Literature, and the 2021 Australia Council Award for Lifetime Achievement in Literature.