“Proof of Identity”
26.06.2022 - 19:00 / High Synagogue, ul. Józefa 38, Kraków (basement hall)“Proof of Identity”, dir. Mikołaj Grynberg, Poland 2021, 40’ – PL, subtitles: EN
Film screening, PL/EN
Inauguration of the 8th edition of “The Space of an Image. A Series of Films on Jewish Themes”
We would like to invite you to a meeting with the director after the screening.
Introduction: Dr. Joanna Preizner
Directorial debut of Mikołaj Grynberg, a distinguished writer, reporter and photographer, shortlisted for the Nike Literary Award (one of the most prestigious awards for Polish literature) and laureate of the Warsaw Literary Premiere. Author of the collections of short stories titled Rejwach and Poufne, Mikołaj Grynberg is best known for his exceptionally incisive and honest conversations with the so-called “second generation”, namely the children and grandchildren of Polish Jews who survived the Holocaust: Ocaleni z XX wieku (2012), Oskarżam Auschwitz. Opowieści rodzinne (2014) and Księga wyjścia (2018).
The film offers us a glimpse into the peculiarities of being a Polish Jew today, often beyond the grasp of those who have no contact with the Jewish community. Polish history is indeed exceptionally complex — many events that have taken place in Poland have made an enormous impact on the sense of identity of members of the Jewish community. However, this is by no means yet another film about Polish Jews. It is a universal portrayal of the present-day reality precisely because it poses the questions that concern us all — questions about who we are, about our families, about our fears and dreams, about Poland.
Mikołaj Grynberg does much more than merely pose questions to his protagonists on the stage of the POLIN Museum auditorium. His questions are addressed to each and every one of us.
As part of the series “The Space of an Image: A Series of Films on Jewish Themes”
Partner: Warsaw Jewish Film Festival, Camera of David Foundation
Free admission