Future of Memory. Performance
03.07.2022 - 17:00 / Festival Tent, ul. Józefa 36 | Live: 31.jewishfestival.plProjects and Performances with CPPD-Members
The Coalition for Pluralistic Public Discourse (CPPD) is a German network of about 50 intellectuals, artists, scholars and activists working on pluralistic remembrance culture in multiple ways. They operate across geographical borders and boundaries of memory collectives, and work to aesthetic practices related to the question of pluralistic memory. This ending of the event is just a beginning. A glimpse on what European memory practices could look like.
Coalition for Pluralistic Public Discourse
The Coalition for Pluralistic Public Discourse (CPPD) is a network of about 50 intellectuals, artists and scholars working on pluralistic remembrance culture. In the understanding that today’s European societies are characterized by radical diversity, affecting their understandings of themselves, ranging from political ideas to forms of public memory and remembrance; the CPPD seeks to think cultures of remembrance anew and to develop strategies and visions for pluralistic remembrance.
Together with Dr. Max Czollek, lyricist and essayist, providing the academic and artistic leadership, and Jo Frank and Johanna Korneli of Dialogueperspectives/ Leo Baeck Foundation as the project’s leadership team, the CPPD works to provide artistic, civil society, education policy, and didactic concepts and ideas for the pluralisation of European cultures of remembrance. The CPPD is part of Dialogue Perspectives. Religions and Worldviews in Conversation, a programme of the Leo Baeck Foundation.
Dr Max Czollek is an author, essayist, poet and curator of the CPPD. More information about Max Czollek’s work can be found on the websites of Verlagshaus Berlin and Hanser Verlag. https://www.hanser-literaturverlage.de/autor/max-czollek/
Head of DialoguePerspectives/CPPD
Jo Frank is the managing director of the Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich Studienwerk as well as the director of the DialoguePerspectives programme and the CPPD. He is co-founder and editor of Verlagshaus Berlin and Ensemble Zeitkunst and also works as a multilingual author and translator.
Johanna Korneli is programme director of DialoguePerspectives and the CPPD.
Angela Mani is Programme Management, Dialogue Perspectives/CPPD.
Lea Otremba is Press and Public Relations Manager , Dialogue Perspectives/CPPD.
Tasnim Baghdadi,
Artist and Art Historian
Tasnim Baghdadi is an art historian and artist. She heads the Mediation and Public Program Department at the Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst in Zurich. She also works as a freelance author on topics related to the decolonisation of museums in German-speaking countries. For more information on Tasnim Baghdadi’s work, visit her website: https://www.tasnimbaghdadi.com
Melina Borčak,
Journalist and Screenwriter
Melina Borčak is a freelance journalist and filmmaker working on (anti-Muslim) racism, genocide, feminism, and anti-racist media criticism, among other topics.
More information about Melina Borčak’s work can be found on her website, blog and Twitter.
Jonas Fegert,
Political Scientist
Jonas Fegert is head of department at the FZI Research Centre for Information Technology and a doctoral student at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). There he researches digital citizen participation, how to combat disinformation, and platform design. At the FZI, he is leading the development of the House of Participation (HoP).
From 2014-2018, he worked as an advisor at the Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich Studienwerk, where he was involved in setting up initiatives and structures for the Jewish scholarship programme.
More information about Jonas Fegert’s work ca be found on the website of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and the FZI Research Centre for Information Technology.
Benjamin Fischer,
Political Scientist
Benjamin Fischer is a Programme Manager at the Alfred Landecker Foundation, where he works on the development and implementation of digital initiatives and coalition building. He was president of the European Union of Jewish Students (EUJS) and is a board member of the World Jewish Museum and the Muslim Jewish Interfaith Coalition.
More information on Benjamin Fischer’s work can be found on the website of the Alfred Landecker Foundation.
Sarah Grandke,
Sarah Grandke is a curator and mediator at the denk.mal Hannoverscher Bahnhof documentation centre currently under construction in Hamburg’s HafenCity. She is pursuing her doctorate on displaced persons from Eastern Europe and their memory initiatives in the immediate post-World War II period. Another focus of her work is the history of Sint*zze and Rom*nja in Germany and Eastern Europe.
More information about Sarah Grandke’s work can be found on the website of the University of Bonn.
Tobias Herzberg,
Dramaturg and Theatre-Maker
Tobias Herzberg was born in Hamburg in 1986 and studied acting in Hamburg and Zurich as a scholarship holder of the Ernst-Ludwig-Ehlich-Studienwerk. He came to Berlin’s Maxim Gorki Theater in 2016 with his solo play Feygele, after which he worked there as a dramaturg and artistic director of Studio Я. From 2019 to 2021, Tobias Herzberg was a dramaturg at the Burgtheater Wien and project manager of the Kasino venue. Since 2020, he has been pursuing a Master’s degree in Arts & Cultural Management at Leuphana University Lüneburg. He has held teaching assignments and mentorships at the HMT Rostock, the Amsterdam University of the Arts and in the winter semester 2021 for the first time at the Institute for Language Arts, Vienna. He has been part of the Coalition for Pluralistic Public Discourse (CPPD) since May 2021.
Andrea Hanna Hünniger,
Journalist and Author
Andrea Hanna Hünniger is a journalist and author of Das Paradies – Meine Jugend nach der Mauer (“Paradise – My Youth after the Wall”) (2012), which tells the story of the 1990s in East Germany from the perspective of children. Her main topics include East German history and present and right-wing violence.
More information on the work of Andrea Hanna Hünniger can be found on the ZEIT website.
Stephanie Kuhnen,
Journalist and Author
Stephanie Kuhnen is an author and journalist. She had been politically socialized early in West Germany during the 1980s, between the disarmament movement and the AIDS pandemic. After her Humanities studies in the 1990s, she went to Berlin and found happiness. She is an active journalist since 1996, specializing in queer politics and culture, with a focus on lesbian topics, perspectives and visibility. Kuhnen is constantly looking for new ways to tell old stories in a more inclusive way.
Prof. Dr. Swantje Lichtenstein,
Artist, Poet, Professor, Activist
Prof*In Dr.*In Swantje Lichtenstein is an artist, poet, professor, and activist and works poetically in theory and theoretically in poetry, transgressing the arts conceptually, transmedially and performatively. She is a professor for aesthetic practice and text at the Hochschule Düsseldorf. Most recently published books: Am Ende der Weissheit / Verschalte Verbindungen (“At the End of Whiteness / Interconnected Connections”), Berlin 2021.
More information about Swantje Lichtenstein’s work can be found on her website.
Dinah Riese,
Dinah Riese is an editor in the domestic department of the taz. She mainly works on the topics of migration, the immigration society, right-wing violence ,and reproductive rights. She has received several awards for her reporting on abortions and the criminal law paragraph 219a. More information about Dinah Riese’s work can be found on the website of the taz.
Hannan Salamat,
Cultural and Religious Studies Scholar
Hannan Salamat is a cultural and religious studies scholar. She is a co-founder and curator of the Munich arts festival AusARTen – Changing Perspectives through Art and subject leader on Islam at the Zurich Institute for Interreligious Dialogue. Hannan Salamat advocates for plural perspectives in society and lectures, moderates and gives workshops on Islam, diversity, feminism, and anti-racism.
More information on Hannan Salamat’s work can be found on the website of the Zurich Institute for Interreligious Dialogue and in a portrait in the Zürcher Tagesanzeiger.
Dr. Amma Yeboah,
Psychodynamic Supervisor and Specialist in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Dr Amma Yeboah is a specialist in psychiatry and psychotherapy. As a psychodynamic supervisor, she works with individuals, groups, and in structural organisational development. Her main areas of interest are the effects of structures of dominance on the psyche. More information about Amma Yeboah’s work can be found on her website.
Nina Prader
Artist, Author and independent Publisher
Nina Prader is an artist, author, curator and independent publisher. Her independent micro-publishing company „Lady Liberty Press for Art, Printed Matters & Memorials“ published among other things, a dialogical deck of cards commemorating the Shoah and beyond, and most recently the Intersectional Commemoration Club Risograph Reader. Prader questions, activates and rethinks cultural narratives.
Lea Wohl von Haselberg
Media Scientist
Lea Wohl von Haselberg is a media scientist who researches and writes on Jewish film history and audiovisual cultures of memory. Since 2017, she has been leading research projects at the Filmuniversität Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF on the working biographies of Jewish filmmakers and the emergence of the idea of ‘Jewish film’ in film culture. She is a co-editor of Yalta. Positions on the Jewish Present and part of the programme collective of the Jewish Film Festival Berlin Brandenburg. More information on Lea Wohl von Haselberg’s work can be found on the website of the Babelsberg Film University.
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