When it is hard to find the words, we tell stories.
In “Maiseh”, which is the Yiddish word for tale (מייסע), seven legends are told in the public space. These stories are vehicles to grapple with loss, misfortune, betrayal and broken hearts. They arm us with humor, hope, courage and love. They bring us together.
Between June 25th and July 3rd, artists from Israel, Germany and Poland tell their version of legends from Krakow – in performances, drawings, murals, sound installations, workshops, and letters. Listen to these stories as they unfold in the streets of Kazimierz.
Chirstoph Rothmeier
Have You Seen My Eyes
sound installation in collaboration with: Ruzyndla Choir: Wiktoria Sędzimir, Weronika Sędzimir, Małgorzata Międlarz, Przemysław Ćwik, Dawid Rozmus, Rita Rain, Oleksandr Mazii and Kateryna Sakhanda, as well as Adam Gajda, Pola Pawlikowska, Jörg Hochapfel, Philipp Haffner, Jakub Kubieniec
The ghost of a woman searches for what she has lost. Have you seen my eyes?, her voice asks. Her body is in a different place than what she sees. She wanders the streets, looking for what was taken from her.
legend: In “The Book of the Polish Jews”, Shmuel Yosef Agnon writes that after Esterka, the legendary lover of King Casimir the Great, passed away, he preserved her eyes – leaving her ghost restlessly wandering the Earth.
codziennie 11:00 – 19:00

Christoph Rothmeier lives and works in Berlin, Germany and Sauviat, France. He studied art at HfbK Hamburg and the Villa Arson in Nice. His artistic work is interdisciplinary, site-specific and time-based. He stages audio walks, conceives experimental arrangements and performs music. Over the years, he has participated in numerous international exhibitions, initiated exhibition projects and performances, and cooperated with various artists from diverse disciplines such as music and dance.
read more about Maiseh project
Maiseh was created especially for the 31st Jewish Culture Festival in Krakow
Curatorial team: Yael Sherill, Lianne Mol & Julia Kawka – Curatorial Collective for Public Art / Berlin, Meydad Eliyahu – HaMiffal / Jerusalem, Paweł Kowalewski – Jewish Culture Festival / Kraków